Steve Roy Fine Art
About Steve

Kauai with my Fuji 617, taken by my mom!

Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco 2013

At the age of 6, I was given my first camera on my birthday from my mother. It was a Kodak Eastman Ektralite 10, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I remember taking a trip to Northern California and I kept asking her to buy me more film. She always did, with a smile on her face. I know that It must have been an expensive hobby for a 6 year old, but I think she must have seen the joy on my face and couldn't say "no", especially since I asked every hour. she knew something I didn't. photography wasn't going to go away! At the age of 12, I was on my 4th camera, rolling my own film, and processing in a dark room. Those times were great, as I started learning the ends and outs of everything photography. Looking back, i realized that I have always loved photography. Though, I have taken some breaks from it, especially through the tough times in life. But by doing so, It has instilled a more deeper passion. The joy and peace that comes from being immersed in photography is definitely a blessing! Now, 40 years later, its part of me. I'm constantly trying to push my limits as a photographer. If its dealing with 40 mile an hour winds, rain blowing sideways, walking 6 miles in the snow up to my knees, getting no sleep, driving thousands of miles to get that one shot, being miles and miles away from actual people, being in scary places in the dark, and always finding myself in that sketch spot nobody wants to be in. I think that's what its all about to be a photographer! I've been blessed to win some pretty prestigious awards and accolades over the years, but I can truly say, thats not what keeps me going as a photographer. Its the love! Love of photography, Love of the chase, Love of being immersed in the world God has made, And the love of seeing people live through a picture I took! Wow! Now those are great times! Hope to see you out there soon!!! Steve

Death Valley 2019

 © 2021 Steve Roy Jr. Fine Art


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